Saturday, December 28, 2019

Voyeurism and Surveillance The Act of Performance Essay

The United Kingdom has become like the reality TV show â€Å"Big Brother†. It is known that there are thousands or according to the British Security Industry Authority, perhaps millions of cameras stationed all over the country; interconnecting to businesses, private homes and even authorities that give off a sense that each person is constantly being watched (Barrett). This idea of the â€Å"surveillance society† strikes idea that these people are constantly being observed (London Evening Standard). It comments on the fact that the gaze influences the way that people portray themselves. In the United Kingdom, the cameras seem to provide mixed interpretation of the functionality in which it is debated as an invasion of privacy but at the same time,†¦show more content†¦Sybil Gerard in the first iteration of Gibson’s novel often expresses the fact that she is being watched. One of the main instances is when she notes that â€Å"For a strange passing mo ment Sybil felt a distant presence in the air. A definite sense of observation of eyes fixed upon her from another realm† (Gibson 32). It should be expressed that throughout the entire novel the text acts as a memory. The narrator proves to be analytical, overly descriptive at the end of the iteration and is identified as a computerized narrator (Hartley). Through the use of technology such as cameras or computer simulations, surveillance takes on becoming voyeuristic and documents moments informative or entertainment purposes. Seth Blazer in his article, â€Å"Rear Window Ethics: Domestic Privacy versus Public Responsibility in the Evolution of Voyeurism† notes that â€Å"the consumption of programming and images utilizing scenarios that expose ‘apparently real and unguarded lives; for the purpose of entertainment or information that come with the expense of another’s privacy†(380). Through technological use of Gibson’s sci-fi novel, the memo ries of Sybil Gerard are being watched by a hypothetical viewer of the future. Her movements and behavior are documented through a computer simulation in order to gain a better understanding of the past. In addition to this Sybil seems to be watched byShow MoreRelatedBig Brother Is Legally Watching: an Insight Into Workplace Surveilance2015 Words   |  9 PagesSurveilance Abstract The paper is a brief insight into electronic surveillance in the workplace. It focuses on what video surveillance is; and what methods are used, such as monitoring phone usage, video surveillance, monitoring email, internet usage, GPS surveillance of company vehicles and cell phones; and why these methods are adopted within the workplace. 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